Pandemic Resources » Pandemic Plans and Resources

Pandemic Plans and Resources

RPS COVID Policy Update 3.5.2024
RPS COVID Policy Update 10.1.2023
RPS COVID Policy Update 1.8.2023
RPS Covid Policy 2022-2023
Revere Public Schools Updated COVID-19 Protocols Update 3.14.2022 
Face Covering Policy

Dear RPS Staff, Students, and Families,
On Tuesday, February 15, 2022, the Revere School Committee amended its face covering policy.

RPS COVID Guidelines Summary of Changes Document Update 1.18.2022
RPS COVID Protocols Update 1.18.2022
RPS Family Covid Letter 12.30.2021
Dear RPS Families,  
I hope you enjoyed the holidays and had a great break.  Next week promises to be a challenge, but I know we can work together to make it successful.
At Home Covid Tests
FDA and CDC to recommend COVID-19 vaccinations for children ages 5 to 11 years old.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In the coming weeks, we expect the FDA and CDC to recommend COVID-19 vaccinations for children ages 5 to 11 years old. We’d like to provide you with current information and resources on vaccination and, when vaccination is approved for this younger age group, we encourage you to have your child vaccinated to protect themselves, your family, and the school community.
Please click HERE for translations.
Covid-19 Daily Screening Tools
RPS Covid-19 Dashboard 2021-2022
Revere Public Schools 2021-2022 School Year

Pfizer Vaccine Clinics coming to Revere Public Schools
A surprise summer gift will be given to each and every student at the time of their second shot!!!

- Clinics are open to all students and families of Revere Public Schools

- Students must be 12 years or older to get vaccinated

- Pre-registration required, no student will be able to walk-up on clinic day without guardian consent and pre-registration

- Parents/Guardians/Caretakers will be required to pick a time during registration, but students’ vaccination time will be determined by their administrator due to scheduling

- Give-away will be available after second dose vaccine appointment for all RPS students

- Clinic will be run by Cambridge Health Alliance Health Care, vaccines will be administered in a supervised setting with nurses present

Read more HERE:

Revere Public Schools In-Person Learning Plan - Updated 5/3/2021

Dear families and parents,

On behalf of our entire school community, we want to thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times with our school district shifting back and forth between different learning models to support our children. We are fully aware of the sacrifices you have made in your personal and family lives while responding to COVID-19. This pandemic has reminded us of the importance of family involvement in education and the symbiotic relationship that should always exist between schools and families.

Thank you for your continued support and for entrusting us with the education of your children.

Revere Public Schools In-Person Learning Plan

Estimados familias y padres,

En nombre de toda nuestra comunidad escolar, queremos agradecerles por su paciencia y comprensión durante estos tiempos sin precedentes con nuestro distrito escolar cambiando entre diferentes modelos de aprendizaje para apoyar a nuestros niños. Somos plenamente conscientes de los sacrificios que ha realizado en su vida personal y familiar al responder al COVID-19. Esta pandemia nos ha recordado la importancia de la participación familiar en la educación y la relación simbiótica que siempre debe existir entre las escuelas y las familias.

Gracias por su continuo apoyo y por confiarnos la educación de sus hijos.

Plan de Aprendizaje en Persona de las Escuelas Públicas de Revere

Prezadas famílias e pais,

Em nome de toda a nossa comunidade escolar, queremos agradecer por sua paciência e compreensão com nosso distrito escolar durante esses tempos sem precedentes, alternando entre diferentes modelos de aprendizagem para apoiar nossos filhos. Estamos totalmente cientes dos sacrifícios que fez em sua vida pessoal e familiar enquanto lidava com o COVID-19. Esta pandemia nos lembrou da importância do envolvimento da família na educação e da relação simbiótica que sempre deve existir entre escolas e famílias.

Obrigado por seu apoio contínuo e por nos confiar a educação de seus filhos.

Plano de Aprendizado Presencial das Escolas Públicas de Revere

الي وأولياء الأمور الأعزاء ،

نيابة عن مجتمع مدرستنا بأكمله ، نود أن نشكرك على صبرك وتفهمك خلال هذه الأوقات غير المسبوقة مع تحول منطقتنا المدرسية ذهابًا وإيابًا بين نماذج التعلم المختلفة لدعم أطفالنا. نحن ندرك تمامًا التضحيات التي قدمتها في حياتك الشخصية والعائلية أثناء ا الاستجابة لكوفيد 19. لقد ذكّرنا هذا الوباء بأهمية مشاركة الأسرة والعلاقة التكافلية التي يجب أن توجد دائمًا بين المدارس والأسر

نشكرك على دعمك المستمر وعلى تكليفنا بتعليم أطفالك

خطة التعلم الشخصي للمدارس العامة لرفير                                                                                                                               

Revere Public Schools Hybrid Reopening Plan-  Updated 3/2/2021

Dear Colleagues and Families,
I’m writing to share more details about our transition to hybrid in-person learning for those students who feel, and whose caregivers feel, that is the right learning environment for them. These changes will impact all students in the hybrid model, as well as some students in the full remote model. I also want to share the school department’s vision for the last fourteen weeks of this school year.

Read more HERE:
Español  - Português - عربى

Revere Public Schools – Transition to Hybrid

Revere Public Schools Reopening Plan -  Updated 9/17/2020